Q: I have been thinking about the religious life. How do I find out more about the every day life of a sister or a consecrated single?
A: Talk to someone who is a sister or a consecrated single. They can answer any questions you have, and give you the details of their everyday life. You could also read about what they are committed to and how different orders work. I have several consecrated friends, and I have asked them many questions about their lives as consecrated women. I answered most of my questions by simply talking to them. You can contact their organization at: Vocation Director, 60 Austin Avenue, Greenville RI 02828 or the website www.legionariesofchrist.org. Ask to correspond with a consecrated, a pen pal. These women love to talk to girls about devotion to the consecrated life.
You can also visit this website for information about Carmelite nuns: www.siouxcitycarmel.com/index.html or write them at: Vocation Directress, Carmelite Monastery, 2901 South Cecilia, Sioux City, Iowa 51106. The website is an excellent place to start as it can help you in your decision about the religious life. They are very happy to answer any questions you have.
Both of these orders are full of wonderful, joyful women who have given up everything to follow Christ. There are many, many other orders that you can look into as well. Check them out and see what kind of options there are available, look for one that pops out at you.
The next thing you need to do is pray. Pray, pray, pray, pray! Talk to God about it. He is the one who plants the desire for a religious vocation in you. He will direct you to the right order, if that is what you are meant to do. Don’t rush it; it will take some time. The important thing is to listen to God at all times, and be careful not to let your own ideas get you confused with God’s plan.
Here are a couple of orders with young vocations:
Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist
Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration
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9 years ago