9. Related Websites. You'll find these links just under Our Favorite Music. These websites are dedicated to a lot of the topics we discuss here -- religion, dating, sex, abortion, and more.
10. Blogs We Like. These are blogs we find interesting as Catholic teens and young adults. Tech tips, getting into college, Catholicism, modesty, and more.
11. What We're Reading. These are books we've either read or are currently reading. We're not talking about religious books or textbooks, but enjoyable fiction. These are books just for fun.
12. Bibliography. These are books we have used or are currently using to write this blog. These are the religious and nonfiction books that help us provide answers to your questions. Definitely worth checking out if you want to learn more about your faith and why you're here in the first place.
Ask Pro-Choice People, What is an Abortion?
9 years ago