The No Question Left Behind team is looking for a patron. Patron saint that is. A saint to look out for and pray for our blog, our readers, and ourselves. But just who should we pick? Who's the perfect patron saint for No Question Left Behind.
We'd like to know your opinion before making a final decision. If you'd like to vote, then just take a look over to the sidebar. There you'll find a poll. Voting closes November 1st, All Saints Day.
Before voting, check out Sr. Mary Martha's blog as she has some ideas herself and makes some convincing arguments.
Here are the candidates:
St. Raphael
Patron of young lovers and people leaving home for the first time.
St. Augustine
Patron of theologians and beer (translation: party animals).
St. Thomas Aquinas
Patron of students.
St. Dominic Savio
Patron of juvenile delinquents.
St. John Bosco
Patron of young people.
St. Maria Goretti
Patron of youth and purity.
St. Francis DeSales
Patron of writers.
St. Mark
Patron of teens.
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9 years ago